Housing Chat

 (a monthly hybrid meeting)

Umpqua Community Room

132 West Second, North Bend

Wednesday, December 4

12-1 PM

Senior Housing: The Mustard Seed Project

Special Guest: Eric Blegen

Executive Director

The Mustard Seed Project, Key Center, WA

Join in-person or virtually!

Register Here for the Zoom Link.

Eric Blegen

Next Up! Housing Chat

Wednesday, December 4

Umpqua Community Room

12 PM to 1 PM

Inclusive Housing Committee

Multi-Generational, Diverse Populations

David Miller, Chair

The Honorable Katherine Ross

Kelly Coughlin

Susan Kingsbury-Comeau

The Reverend James McEachran

Health & Wellness Committee

Social Services: Mental Health, Childcare & After-School Programming

Design/Build Practices

Councilmember Mary Miller, Chair

Melinda Nichols

Ashley Wragge

Amy Biggs

Kathleen Irish

Chris Padin, Atlas Design Group

Ann Gorman, Umpqua Bank

Scott Starr, SMR Architects

Specialty Housing

Workforce Housing, Entry-Level (subsidized or not), 

Micro- and Co-op-Housing

Jennifer Kirk, Chair

Angelina Holverstott

Councilmember Rob Wotton

Alicia Messa

Missing Housing Types

In-Fill, ADUs, Deed Restricted, Land Trusts

Tim Locke, Chair

Councilmember Cara Christensen

Dustin Koons

Lisa Tuininga

Community & Public Policy

Zoning, Public Spaces, Multi-Family Tax Incentives

Louis Washington, Chair

Susan Gillespie, MBA

Emily Arteche

Jamie Burrell

Ashlyn Farnworth